Sunday, August 19, 2018

Don't Pet the Foxes #2

As I was writing my last post about camp, God dropped this little nugget into my lap. It won’t be long, but was worthy of sharing.

At the NOMO campgrounds there has been an increase of what I think are red foxes and their babies, which are friendly. On day two of camp, the leaders were briefed on the situation and asked to inform our kids not to pet the foxes. In my head I’m like, okay foxes, why would I want to pet them? That is until I saw them. The were so cute! And they were babies, which made them even cuter. After seeing them, the idea of cuddling one of them didn’t seem so weird. This is probably because they are the same size as my pup that passed away back in March. I still stayed away from them by the way, because rabies…

Here’s what God dropped on me: the foxes are like sin. At first you don’t want anything to do with sin. It’s bad and you stay away. Then as you are around it more, that sin seems like it might be okay and maybe isn’t so bad. But then, it turns into that cute fuzzy creature that lures you away from what you know is true and right. And suddenly, that cute fuzzy creature that you picked up and cuddled because it reminded you of a puppy, turns around and bites you, inflicting pain upon you. Now, you have to go to the hospital and have a series of rabies shots, which I would imagine are pretty painful too. Sin hurts you and those around you. Once you dabble with sin, the recovery isn’t easy.

So, don’t pet the foxes and don’t dabble in sin.

Here are a few baby red foxes for your viewing pleasure! Until next time!

Image result for baby red foxes

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Don't Pet the Foxes

If you thought this was going to be a post about cute, furry, woodland creatures, its not. Sorry to disappoint. It is however a post about camp where we were repeatedly told not to pet the foxes that came out at night, lol!

It’s no secret that I did not want to go to camp this year. I was asked a couple of times and said no, that my camp season was over and Fine Arts was now my go to, because um hotels (I’m just slightly high maintenance). But here’s the thing, when God tells you to do something, you do it without arguing. You see, it had been a long time since I had heard from God when He told me to go. I was sitting at work, looking at my vacation schedule to make sure Fine Arts would fit into my projects and I had to look over my shoulder because I thought someone had walked into my cube. God’s voice was audible saying “You can go to camp too.” My immediate response was “Are you sure God? Like are you really sure? Cause I don’t want to go.” You know what I got? That’s right, silence. I sat on this for a couple days before I started to get the ball rolling, just to see if God would change His mind. He didn’t. A few weeks later, I can’t remember where I was, but I was pleading with God for more. I wanted more of His spirit because I was empty and I just wanted to feel His presence because I hadn’t felt it for a while. He answered this time. He said “I have it for you, it’s at camp.” I almost broke down right where I was. Right then and there I decided I would stop grumbling and complaining about camp. God had something for me there.

A few more weeks went by and I was in the car on the way to work. The song Reckless Love came on. There’s a line in the song that says there’s no wall you won’t kick down. God’s gentle voice spoke to my heart in that moment. The gist of it was you’ve built up a wall to protect yourself from others, but in doing that the wall has kept me out. That hit me like a ton of bricks. God likes to speak to me in places where I’m captive and can’t run. So driving down the highway to work my only response was okay God, kick down the wall.

Not gonna lie, getting to camp was a struggle. Getting paperwork and money from 11 kids and then getting them across the state without losing anyone was a battle, thankfully though, I didn’t have to drive. Upon arriving at camp, you could feel the atmosphere shift. There is such a peace on the NOMO campground that overwhelms you. Let me tell you, I needed that peace. I still felt like I was carrying a burden, that I was still bound up. But I could feel the presence of God. Everytime I walked into the chapel, my eyes would fill with tears, which for me is a telltale sign that God is near.

Monday night I realized something. Seeing hundreds of teenagers worshiping our King makes it all worth it. All the the sweat, the disgusting bathrooms, late nights, early mornings, sub-par food, and loud DJ sessions. Seeing students chase after God makes all of that matter less. I also realized, it's not about me, it's about them drawing closer to God. And if I happen to reap from it as well, then that's a bonus!

Tuesday (I think it was Tuesday…) was the breaking point though. The speaker had prayed for the students and he turned his attention to the leaders. He wanted leaders who needed to be refreshed to come up to be prayed for. Let me tell you in that moment time slowed down. Did I need to be refreshed, yes. Did I feel burnt out, yes. Was I feeling inadequate, yes. Did I want to admit to any of these things, absolutely not. I stood frozen for about 30 seconds. In that time I was at war with myself and the angel and devil standing on my shoulders. I didn’t want to look weak, but I knew I needed to be up there. In one ear was the devil saying you don’t need to go up there, you’re fine. Nobody will think anything less of you if you don’t go. In the other ear was the angel simply saying go. Ultimately I went, because I knew if I didn’t I would regret it and boy am I glad I did. God was waiting there for me. What was left of the walls I talked about earlier, crumbled. The burdens I had been carrying and the chains that had bound me for so long, fell off. The students had been praying for us and when I turned to leave there was one girl waiting there for me. She wasn’t mine, I was in a place where my kids couldn’t get to me. She looked at me and said I know you aren’t my leader, but thank you for what you do and then proceeded to hug me. That small act right there was so impactful. She didn’t know anything about me, where I was from, my name even, yet she recognized that I make sacrifices for my kids and thanked me for it.

Wednesday is typically the hardest day of the week. Your body hasn’t quite adjusted to the schedule, you are probably running on 5 or less hours of sleep, and it’s Holy Spirit night and the devil is going to fight tooth and nail to ruin it. Surprisingly this was the best day/night of the week and not just because leaders got real food for dinner or because I convinced the kids that they were all in trouble and we needed to discuss it during free time when in reality we were just celebrating Ethan turning 16, lol.

For a while now, I have been struggling to connect with this generation of girls. I had a great relationship with the last generation of girls who have since graduated, gone to college, and majority have gotten married. But this generation speaks an entirely different language, literally (Something about gucci, lit, and salty??? I don’t get it…). But I was finally able to connect with at least one of them. We were sitting around a table in the dining hall after dinner because it was too hot to think about walking back to the dorm or to the chapel and wait outside for it to open.  They are very obsessed with my singleness which of course was the topic of conversation. But one of them looked at me and said something to the effect of you have set a good example though, you’ve gone to college, graduated, and gotten a real job all without needing a man in your life. That was a lightbulb moment for me. They are watching, they do get it and they think I am setting an example. Holy cow.

In service that night there was just such a feeling of freedom. I felt lighter, the room felt lighter. The speaker did talk about the Holy Spirit, but the emphasis was on the gifts of the Spirit, which wasn’t bad, just unconventional. At the altar time, my faith was tested big time, but it was a growing moment, or a stretching moment at Pastor Nathan would call it. We were called up to stand in a line in the front and each student was supposed to find a leader to pray for God to give them more of the spiritual gifts that they have or for spiritual gifts they want to work in. I’m no stranger to praying, but in front of people, that’s a different story. And it had been quite some time since I prayed for anyone in this capacity, probably the last time I was at camp… I tend to freeze up and stumble over my words a bit. On top of that the first 3 girls I prayed with weren’t mine. That was hard, but I did my very best and you know what, God hears every prayer no matter how it sounds. While it was uncomfortable, I can tell you next time, it won’t be as uncomfortable.

Thursday brought with it insanely hot temperatures. So much sweat, but somehow we managed. Oh, and the girls decided they needed to do my hair and makeup for the night. What do I say to that? The makeup was a bit much for me and no I didn’t get a picture to document, but I was a good sport about it even when we had KP and I’m pretty sure most of it melted off my face, lol!

God taught me more and I got more out of camp this year than I ever thought I would and maybe even more than I did when I was a camper. I am still blown away. God literally had to take me out of my everyday life to do all of this and get my attention. But it can’t stop there. It has to continue after camp. This week has been hard, going back to work and getting back into the groove of things. In conjunction with my morning devos I’ve gotten serious about my daily verse study and I’m back into writing. I’ve got a few more posts up my sleeves that you can expect soon.

My advice to you, don’t let yourself get so far from God that He has to pluck you out of your routine and take you across the state to get ahold of you again. It has not been an easy road back, honestly it's been pretty painful, and I don’t plan on letting go anytime soon.

Also, these are some of my favorite kids in the world. Thank you parents for raising such awesome kids and thank you for giving me the opportunity to hang out with them for a week. I have been greatly blessed by them!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dear Fine Arts, I Miss You

For the past 4 years of my life, this time of year has been spent getting ready for or attending National Fine Arts. This year, I won’t be attending and honestly I’m quite sad. So, I came up with a list of the things I will miss this year:

-The adventure of traveling to a new destination with some of my favorite people. (Including the crazy kids who sing HSM songs until my ears bleed)

-The excitement of exploring a new hotel and memorizing all of our room numbers to make surprise visits.

-The girls luggage blowing up as soon as they put it down in the room. Seriously, it looks like they have been there for weeks instead of minutes!

-The shopping trip to stock up on food for lunches and snacks for the long days at the convention center.

-And the accompanying preparation of those lunches/meals in said tiny hotel room.
The late night pow wows that kept me up way too late.

-The early mornings. Getting up to beat the shower rush and breakfasts with Jenn in the hotel lobby.

-Is the hotel going to have enough food? They are new and have no idea what to expect… (Yes, this happened in Louisville)

-The scramble to get everyone in the bus or in various vehicles to make it to the convention center on time.

-The long days of performances at the convention center. (Maybe I won’t miss that one too much…)

-Running through the convention center to make it to every performance before the door closes.

-Guessing the human videos! I’m not the greatest at this, but we all know Jesus hanging on the cross! I wish I had a picture of Pastor Russell acting this out in Columbus!


-In the hole, on deck, and up next.

-Going early to the convention center to sign up for practice rooms, because if left to the kids, it won’t happen, lol! (And standing in the wrong line due to lack of signage/instruction, but still getting to second pick because we are all fair adults)

-The rare moments of down time sprawled on the convention center floor.

-Watching my youth babies pray over each person before their performance.

-Sitting in the audience watching my youth babies performances with tears in my eyes because of how proud this mama goose is.

-The random items that go missing each year, like the box of rice krispy treats that disappeared in Louisville…

-Skipping the evening services because your feet hurt too much and you can barely keep your eyes open.

-The rare moment you have the hotel pool to yourself. You cherish this moment, because at any second a group of teenagers will run through the door.

-“Losing” a kid or two for a while. They always show back up, they know where the food is :)

-The fellowship with other people you may not always get to talk to at church.

-Giving pep talks when my youth babies get overwhelmed and stressed out.

-Grabbing a seat in the comfy theater, not to watch dance performances, but because it's cool and you need a power nap!

-Stalking a group from a random church you saw practicing because their drama/human video was good and you want to see the whole thing.

-Picking up results and congratulating jobs well done.

-Walking, walking, and more walking…

-Celebration service, where you get to see the best of the best. (And where you might actually be one of them or know one of them)

-The group message keeping everyone informed. (Just not the thumbs up, we all loathe the thumbs up!)

-Being surrounded by thousands of like spirited people. It's like one big family.

-The mid week grocery run, because you are in need of some real food and snacks for the trip home. (Or, nightly grocery run in during Orlando13)

-The T-Shirt! (Anything is better than the ugly, low quality Orlando13 shirt of a big black circle)

-The free stuff. Where am I going to get my supply of bags, pens, and sunglasses this year???

-The first night back home in your own bed after hotel rooms for a week straight.

Sure, I'll miss it this year, that just makes next year even better! Can't wait!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I am an Overcomer!

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

I am an overcomer, so why am I not overcoming?

For the past few months, I have let my problems overcome me instead of overcoming them like God has called me to. God has given me the power and the tools to overcome all of life’s problems and heartaches, but if I don’t take advantage of them I begin to drown. But why? That is the question I have pondered for a long time.

And most of the time, it comes down to the same answer. The going gets tough, I grow weary and then allow Satan to work his way into my mind and pull me away from God, pull me away from God’s promises, make me believe that I can get through life and my problems on my own. Guess what? It’s not possible! And if you have read any of my other posts, you know this is a common theme.

I have had enough! I am tired of wandering out in no man’s land trying to figure out my problems on my own! It’s time to run back to Jesus, because lets face it, I was the one who moved, not Him. It’s time to get back to reading the Bible everyday no matter how busy I am, college, work, and sleep can wait, but God can’t. It’s time to stop putting God on the back burner and start making Him my top priority! It’s time to stop focusing on the petty things in life and focusing on God trusting that He will take care of it!

So today, as I sit in a breakout room on the third floor of the John Cook School of Business listening to WorshipMob, I give it all back to God. Everything that I have taken up and tried to get through on my own, every offense that I have taken up, every ounce of bitterness, pain, and anger, I lay it at the cross. Jesus already took care of it and I don’t need to worry about it, it isn’t mine to worry about.

Is there something you need to lay down or lay back down? Do you need to run back to Jesus because you moved? Are you lacking faith? Are you buried in sin? Whatever it may be, lay it down at the cross. Jesus already paid for it. Take peace in knowing that it has already been taken care of and spend some time with your Savior.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Come Out Unbroken!

We are in a constant battle: with ourselves, with each other, with the world, with Satan.

Sure, the battle is hard, but we must remember whose we are! WE are children of the ONE true King. He holds us in the palm of His Mighty Hand! He has equipped us with everything that we need to fight the battle, so why are we so afraid of it?

My guess is we are afraid of being hurt and the pain that comes with injury. At least, that’s why I’m afraid of the battle.

Here’s the truth: God has given us the power, strength, and armor to get through any battle! Here’s the reality: we are afraid of using it. But why!

God has promised us that he is always right by our side! As we walk to whatever battle we are facing, He is walking right next to us. Is there a possibility that we will get hurt? Of course! The bigger question is, will you be broken in the battle?

Some would say yes, but I would say no. You can only be broken if you allow yourself to be broken. If you walk in God’s promises with His authority, these battles don’t have the power to break you!

So do not be afraid to go into battle with your head held high. Put on your belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, and helmet of salvation! Take up your shield of faith and sword of the spirit! Make the decision that the battle will not break you and go at it full force!

Don’t let yourself be broken in battle! Come out of it unbroken and stronger!

Today's Inspiration:

Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's Just a Drop!

In the lives we live today, there are things that matter and things that don’t matter. I have found that we (or at least me…) tend to put more emphasis on the things that don’t matter. We dwell on them, when we should be dwelling on the things that matter.

So you screwed up in that big presentation you gave due to stage fright, or you messed up the song you were singing, or you were offended by what someone said or did, etc. These are all insignificant things, but many times we put lots of emphasis on them, but does it really matter?

Honestly in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t. All of these small insignificant things are just drops in the proverbial bucket. While the one little drop helps fill the bucket, it doesn’t overtake the entire bucket. It may seem like a lot, but in reality, it’s just a drop.

Don’t fret the small things. If it doesn’t matter, then don’t dwell on it, don’t worry about it! Lay it down and move on to things that matter in the grand scheme of things, like “are you giving God your everything?”

Once this is learned, and it’s a hard one to learn, life will go along so much smoother. (And let me tell you, I’m preaching to the choir here.)

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014!

 For the past week I’ve been reflecting on this past year. 2014 has been filled with ups, downs, joy, sadness, laughter, tears, anger, and happiness. Basically it’s been a roller coaster of emotions.

The more I dwell on 2014, the louder God’s voice becomes in my Spirit. He has been quietly telling me that dwelling on the past doesn’t get me anywhere. In order to move forward I have to keep looking and moving forward. Dwelling in the past keeps me in the same place. I have come to realize that I have been dwelling in the past all year. Thinking about things that happened in 2014, how situations in my life have changed and how I don’t like it, and wanting things to go back to how they were. I have come to realize that I have been stuck all year. I haven’t moved forward. I have stayed in my comfort zone that wasn’t so comfortable.

I don’t want to be stuck. I want to move forward. Not just move, I want to run forward. I am ready to leave this past year behind, but that means I’m going to have to make some changes in my life including making sure I’m putting God first and not letting Him sit on the sidelines and probably some regular exercise.

Here’s to making 2015 one of my best year’s yet!